Running Research
We have a confession to make.
We are running geeks. That's right. We get up and run in the morning. We read about running over coffee. We research the latest science. We watch all of the race videos. We debate endlessly.
There is a lot of information out there about running, foot strike, injury, equipment, training... The information is endless. Some of it is good. Some bad. It's becoming increasingly difficult to separate the science from the marketing and the marketing from the hype. Below are some of the resources we use to keep abreast of what's happening in the world of running. We do not agree with everything that is published below, but we thought that you might like to use this information to help form your own opinions.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you have any additional resources that you think we might be interested in, please feel free to send it to us!
We are running geeks. That's right. We get up and run in the morning. We read about running over coffee. We research the latest science. We watch all of the race videos. We debate endlessly.
There is a lot of information out there about running, foot strike, injury, equipment, training... The information is endless. Some of it is good. Some bad. It's becoming increasingly difficult to separate the science from the marketing and the marketing from the hype. Below are some of the resources we use to keep abreast of what's happening in the world of running. We do not agree with everything that is published below, but we thought that you might like to use this information to help form your own opinions.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you have any additional resources that you think we might be interested in, please feel free to send it to us!
Race Updates and Coverage
Running and Sports Research
Articles of Interest
Running and Sports Research
- Dynamic stretching tutorial from Endurance Rehab
- Runner's Den Training Programs
- Training for your first ultra-marathon
- 10 reasons NOT to run an ultra-marathon
- Hal Higdon Training Programs
- Couch to 5K
Articles of Interest
- "It is not advantageous for rearfoot strikers to transition to non-rearfoot striking..."
- "Running in minimalist footwear appears to increase the likelihood of experiencing an injury, with full minimalist designs specifically increasing pain at the shin and calf."
- "If the waist rises more than 5 to 7 centimeters with each stride, the motion becomes inefficient and places unnecessary stress on the hips and knees."
- "What is the Ideal 'drop' for a running shoe?"
- "There appears to be no clear overall mechanical advantage of a habitual forefoot striker or rear foot striker."
- "Anatomy of the Ankle Ligaments, A Pictorial Essay"
- "...habitually rearfoot striking runners are more economical than midfoot strikers."
- "The current promotion of barefoot running is based on oversimplified, poorly understood, equivocal and in some cases, absent research, but remains a trend in popular media based solely on an evolutionary/epidemiological hypothesis and anecdotal evidence."
- "...increasing your cadence by 5-10% (if you suspect you may be overstriding) is the way to go."
- "That VO2 max number that you tested at? It may not mean what you think it does..."
- "There was a trend toward greater post-race blood CK (creatine phosphokinase- a blood marker indicating severe muscle breakdown) values among non-RFS (rear foot striking) runners compared with RFS runners..."
- "Athletes with hip flexor tightness have reduced gluteus maximus activation."
- "Plantar Fasciitis Treatment"
- "The parallel use of more than one pair of running shoes was a protective factor..."
- "Do you know what causes medial tibial stress syndrome? Neither do we."
Use your glutes!
Use your glutes!
Slow motion video of Boston Marathon Elites
Don't forget to smile! The Boss says that you were BORN TO RUN!